Thursday, 29 December 2011

I'm back!

After a lovely break in the bosom of my family, here we go again.
Listowel was quiet over the holidays but we hit the headlines yesterday with a tragic stabbing incident. Hopefully the victim will make a full recovery and the gardaí will get all the help they need to get to the bottom of the incident.

Sr. Carmel passed away on Christmas Eve. She had celebrated her 100th. birthday with family and friends only a few short months ago. She is second from left in the front of the photo. May she rest in peace.

Now does anyone know anything about this family? The family is looking to fill in the gaps on

James Hennessy labourer 19y, Johanna Hennessy general servant 26y, and Honora Hennessy 22y ditto, all from Ballybunion parish, Listowel, Co Kerry, (siblings/related??) were recorded  together as a group in 1860 as being
sponsored by Denis Hennessy to arrive in Sydney on the British Trident.  
Their referee was the Ballybunion parish priest.

The British Trident duly arrived in Sydney on the 7 Jan 1861.
However, in the list of arrived, sponsored British Trident immigrants, published separately but contemporaneously in the Sydney Morning Herald &  the Empire, 
Johanna is missing. Is that unusual? She doesn't appear as a shipboard death. Is it 
likely she sailed later for some reason? Was that permitted under the sponsorship scheme?

Gt gt grandfather James’s origin, in the BT passenger list, is given as Gale (sic), 
which, thanks to the marvellous help of Rootschatters on an earlier post, I now 
knowbe the civil parish of Galey. ( We then were able to deduce that he was
from the RC parish of Ballybunion.) The Denis Hennessy sponsorship record- found yesterday, hooray! -is the first indication of  James arriving with probable 
(He named his 6th child/4th daughter Honora)

James & Denis are recorded in Bailliere’s 1867 directory as farmers at Hexham 
(Hunter River, NSW)   
I have no further info on either of the women, can't be sure if, when & whom 
they may have married, though there are some possibilities. Anyone have light to
shed on Joanna or Honora??

Reply 2

The Johanna Hennessy who married John Collets was born in 1852 in Camden, we can discount her.
(I'd like to establish whether my Johanna actually made it to Australia
post 1860-61- hence the cry to R/Chatters for help. I suspect that this
could take some (more) considerable time...sigh....but, until I do,
potential marriages will be filed with the Possibles
(you all know that file!!)
Honorah/Honora/Norah is also a mystery, but at least, since she arrived,
she must be recorded in some guise somewhere, possibly as Norah
Hennessy marrying Ronald Giles in Wellington NSW in 1880... Any & all
info v. gratefully considered
Cheers, Ann

Devir/Dever/Diver, O'Donnell, Sweeney, Doherty/Dogherty/Docherty (all Co Donegal)Flanagan(Newry, Co Down), Hennessy (Galey, Co Kerry),
Nally (Ballinacarrick,Westmeath)
Christie (Dunblane and Glasgow) Meer ([Paradise] i.e. Ballynagard, Co Clare)"


  1. There is a record of 4 pounds paid to the colony for a Johanna Hennessy declining to emmigrate 1861 on Maybe she got a better offer.

  2. The two entries above Johanna Hennessys name who also failed to embark were for the British Trident. This would suggest that the entry is for that Johanna Hennessy

  3. Honora Hennessys arrival record on Ancestry says she came from Tullamore, Kerry. So you have the exact Townland. Tullamore is in Galey Parish.

  4. Honora Hennessy, Baptised 30 November 1833, Tullamore, Kerry, Ireland. Parents: John Hennessy and Mary Coughlin. Sponsors: Denis Hennessy and Mary Joy. Rev F Enright.
    James Hennessy, Baptised 19 October 1837, Tullamore, Kerry, Ireland. Parents: John Hennessy and Mary Coughlin. Sponsor: Juliana Flemming. Rev D O'Sullivan.
    Honora Hennessy, baptised 16 April 1839, Tullamore, Kerry, Ireland. Parents: Patrick Hennessy and Catherine Collins. Sponsor: Sara Leyne. Rev D O'Sullivan

  5. Thanks a million, Sean. That is great work.

  6. Lovely, helpful people!
    Thank you indeed.

    Love to hear more from any rels!

    All blessings for 2012,
