Thursday 6 October 2016

MacMahon Tree, Field names in Beale in 1938

Rutting Season  2016 in Killarney National Park

(photos; Jim MacSweeney)


A Kind Gesture

There are many trees in the town park and in The Garden of Europe commemorating people who made a contribution to Listowel. The MacMahon tree continues to make a contribution even after those who nurtured it have passed on. This bay tree grew in the MacMahon garden in Church Street and now provides bay leaves for any one who wants to take one. Bay leaves are added to stews and stocks and add flavour to any dish. They can also be used as a garnish.

You can find it if you enter the garden by this entrance from the path beside the town park. Look out for the stone marker which has been damaged, at the foot of the tree. Be careful not to eat the leaves of many other tree as they may be poisonous.


The Gold Corner is to be a Pharmacy 


That Time of Year again

The Races are over. It's time to turn our minds to Christmas and the making of the Christmas cake. This traditional cholesterol fest needs time to mature.

Nigel Slater says it well:

"You may wonder what a modern cook is doing icing a Christmas cake. Surely the commercial ones are good enough? The simple truth is that I enjoy it: the mixing of the great pile of fruit and nuts, booze and spices, the smell of the glorious thing baking in the oven, the tactile joy of smoothing the marzipan into place and the silliness of playing with a bowl of icing. OK, so there's nothing remotely hip or cool about an iced fruit cake, but I get a buzz from the whole business. I can't help it. I guess cake making is my Prozac."


Field name in Beale in 1938

I wonder if those field names are still in use today.

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