Schiller in Listowel's Garden of Europe, July 2019
Because I'm Worth it.......
I bought myself this absolutely gorgeous mosaic piece from a visiting artist in residence in Olive Stack's Gallery. The artist is Diane Mendelson and here we are, happy customer and happy artist.
Listowel Writers' Week Bids Goodbye to Máire Logue
It's not really goodbye. More like, "See you in a minute." Máire's new job is across the Square in St. John's. The vibrant Listowel Arts scene is not losing this massive talent at all.
July is not a good time of year for farewell parties. Despite so many people being on holidays, a goodly crew turned out in The New Kingdom on Friday evening, July 26 2019 to give our darling girl a great send off.

The lighting wasn't very good for photographs but here are a few that look half okay.
David Browne had many kind words to say in praise of Máire
Eilish Wren and Normalla Moriarty
John McGrath
In The Small Square
All of Listowel's people seem to pass through the Small Square at some time during any given day. I met Damien Stack and Christy Walshe there one morning last week.
Stylish Eilish Living up to her nickname
Eilish, looking gorgeous as always stepped outside her place of work for my photo.
Hurricane Debbie
Vincent Doyle, formerly of Listowel, wrote;
Hi Mary,
With your knowledge and connections of Listowel I wonder if you know anyone who remembers Hurricane Debbie that hit Ireland in 1961.I was working in Maloneys garage in Market St.when it hit Listowel ,I remember the back wall of the garage was blown down and slates flying off the roofs of the shops opposite. It was scary at the time as we never witnessed anything like that before.
Hope you can find someone with a better memory than me as I was only 17 then. I also want to thank you once again for your wonderful blog.
All my best wishes. Vincent Doyle.
I decided to write to Kay Caball (formerly Moloney of Moloney's garage ) to see if she could shed any light on this destructive weather event.
Kay replied;
Mary, I only vaguely remember it myself, looking out the window at it. Didnt know anything about the garage but I would say Vincent Doyle is right. It was Saturday 16th Sept 1961 and 16 people were killed (none in Kerry) according to the Kerryman 23 Sept 1961. See the snips from that Kerryman attached.
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