Howth Sunset
Photo; Eamon ÓMurchú
Hi Mary,
The man beside Dan Keane is the late Paddy Faley from Glenbawn, west Limerick. He was a great writer of verses, some very humourous, such as ‘Minding the House’. He also wrote the Lyre anthem, ‘My Home in Sweet Lyreacrompane’. He never visited the place but got the details from a workmate from Lyre. In his eighties we took him with us on one of our Irish Rambling House tours of England and he was a great hit with the exiles. It was his first time being abroad.
The man on the right was Raymond Brouder rip. He was from the parish of Kilcolman in Co. Limerick and worked with Paddy on the Council. (On the roads I think).
Most of Paddy Faley’s rhymes were of a general and humourous nature or about places in Limerick. I must dig them out and see if any might suit your blog. I wrote the following on the occasion of the launch of a book of his verse seventeen years ago. It appeared in the Lyreacrompane Journal back then.
Minding Paddy Faley
Message to Paddy Faley, the man who wrote
“My Home in Sweet Lyreacrompane”, on the
occasion of his book of verse launch at the
age of 84.
Between the covers of this book
A part of Paddy we will find
But no volume on a library shelf
Could capture full that lucid mind
From out Glenbawn that eagle eye
Observes the panoramic view
Of life as it unfolds its shape
In every creed and every hue
And in the verse that flows from out
The pen in Paddy Faley’s hand
You’ll find a record there that lists
The way we live in this fair land
And so while Paddy “Minds the House”
And wakes the memories in his rhyme
It’s right that we mind Paddy too
A gentle treasure of our time.
October 26 2003

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