Tuesday 11 May 2021

Coffee, The Man's Shop and Some People I met in the Park

Wake up and Smell the Coffee

 There I was bowling along, listening to Pat Kenny and Prof. Luke O'Neill on Thursday May 6 2021, when Pat told us that studies had discovered that people who had lost their sense of smell due to Covid 19 had it restored by smelling Turkish coffee. They also told us that your sense of taste is very closely bound up with your sense of smell so if you have lost both due to Covid it's worth a try at restoring them by smelling the coffee.


The Mans Shop

Ned O'Sullivan shared this photo of his family shop William Street. It was taken in 1963.


Out and About with Camera

It was lovely to run into friends I haven't seen in ages.  We are all missing the attentions of professional hairdressers.

Jim and Liz Dunn were making a rare foray into Listowel. I was pleased to note that they are in good spirits, part vaccinated and looking forward to resuming their very busy lives.

Seán Treacy was sporting an impressive head of curls.


Lovely New Coffee (and lots more) Shop in Ballybunion

They even have a little creche for your dog while you are indoors.


*Look out for News of a moving house nature tomorrow*

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