Tuesday 6 December 2011

St. Mary's Christmas card

My people, I'm having a mare of a morning. I usually do photo things on my desktop. It's old  but has a few really useful programmes on it, including all the software for my camera. One of the useful programmes is a one click resizer for web photos. This trusty pc has encountered problems lately and now the monitor won't work, so I put the sd card from my camera into my lovely new shiny Mac and this  is what you get, a photo I waited all day to upload because it is too big and now I can't find a way of rotating. So lads, you'll just have to turn your head to the side or your laptop sideways to see the beautiful Christmas card featuring St. Mary's, Listowel.  There is only one little elf in the parish office to do all the folding and packing so  don't all rush down together to get them.

On the back of the card is a potted history of the church...very interesting.

There was a temporary church on the site of the present church in 1815.
The body of the present building was built in 1820.
Tower and spire erected in 1865-1867
More refurbrishment in 1910 and several times since.

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